Mold Remediation

By admin on January 8, 2021

We have a solution for you

We are one stop destination for customers who can avail multitude services from us. We are appreciated for our quality and timely service provided in mold removal, inspection and restoration. Our other attributes that make us number one choice of many customers are
  • Prompt response, quality results
  • 24/7 damage repair service
  • Certified service professionals
  • Market-proven superior equipment

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Mold Remediation

The importance of Mold remediation professional is to protect your property and your loved one health. If you are concerned about the mold remediation, we are certified in mold remediation. We follow the mold remediation guidelines to eliminate your mold and contaminated materials. The process we follow:
  1. Assess the level of mold damage.
  2. Inspect to find the cause of the mold damage.
  3. Define and agree on the scope of works (SOW).
  4. Fix the problem with a permanent solution.
  5. Remove contents and contaminated materials for remediation
  6. Dry the structure.
  7. Clean all affected surfaces.
  8. Clear the area for reuse with air and surface testing.
  9. Return the remediated contents.
  10. Hand over the property.
Mold remediation process focuses on mold level back to the normal level rather than just removal. A variety of methods are available to remediate damage to buildings and furnishings caused by moisture control problems and mold. The procedures selected depend on the size of the moldy area and the type of contaminated materials. Different methods used by the company: Clean up Method: Clean up method may include: Wet Vacuum, Damp wipe, HEPA Vacuum, Throw away damaged material, Biocides. Remediation in HVAC Equipment: Mold remediation involving a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system should be done only by professionals experienced in working with HVAC systems. Professionals may have several different methods and techniques for approaching HVAC remediation. Remediation of confined Spaces: Confined spaces include pipe chases (areas within and under buildings where steam and utility pipes are run) and valve pits (areas below grade that contain utility shut-off valves). Working in confined areas presents numerous challenges. It must be done by the professionals due to risk involvement in this procedure. Before remediating mold in a confined space, the area should be evaluated for atmosphere and toxic substances. If there is any chance of low oxygen, the area should be tested using the appropriate equipment and used periodically to ensure an adequate oxygen supply. It is a good idea to hire a remediation professional (Call us for the information or service) who can provide expert information.